Updated 29th September 2022 with clarification

On Thursday 6th October from 6-7pm our head coach Matthew Last will be hosting a FREE Cardio Tennis taster session, and all members are invited to come along and try it out.
Don't be put off by the name... Cardio Tennis is a fun, sociable group fitness class on a tennis court open to all ages and abilities.
It's called cardio tennis because, thanks to the session's various cardio-vascular exercises, it'll help you improve your fitness, tone and shape a variety of key muscles, burn plenty of calories and improve your tennis.
Exercises include tennis musical chairs, volleying, serving to hit cones, rally relays and ramos - a fun knockout game that pits three against three with the champ taking on the underdogs. Action takes in a friendly group environment on courts 2 and 3, and usually to music!
The usual cost for Cardio Tennis to members is £7.50 per session (non-members £8) or you can block-buy a seven-week package for £45.
So why try it out first for free?
It's the perfect warm-up before the club social session that starts at 7pm.
You can book now via our ClubSpark booking site at: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/SaxmundhamTennisClub
See you soon for some great fun, good exercise and ball-flying antics on court!