12 Days of Christmas
Saxmundham Tennis Club 2021 Review
Day 1
1 Successful Open Day
The Saxmundham Tennis Club Open Day, which took place on Sunday 1st August 2021, attracted around 60 people, including members old and new, and players of all ages and abilities. We welcomed 14 new members to the club on the day, including two families.
Day 2
2 Club Competitions
Our 2021 Box League kicked off with over 50 entrants commencing matches in May and concluded with four finals on our inaugural Finals Day back in September.
The second of the club competitions is the Ladder League Singles which is still ongoing and currently comprises of 13 in the men's ladder and 11 in the Ladies.
Day 3
3 Months of tennis lost with Covid
Not the most festive of stats I know but thought it needed mentioning how well the Club Committee have wrestled through with all the disruption that Covid has brought us, and how they've had to manage the delicate balance of acting in a timely manner versus taking the time to properly discuss and come up with protocols/guidelines to keep us all as safe as possible.
Day 4
4 Weekly Club Socials
The club holds regular informal sessions four times a week, for members to mix and play with a range of players of varying standards.
Day 5
5 Types of Club Membership
Five memberships are available; Adult, Senior, Family, Junior and Visiting.
Club membership is currently at its highest ever level at 203 members, 53 of which are junior members!
Day 6
6 Important Club Documents to Read
Saxmundham Tennis Club strives to ensure that all children, young people, and adults, are kept safe. Everyone has a shared responsibility to support this by promoting the welfare of all children, young people and adults. To keep up with your responsibilities please read our six important club documents.
Day 7
7 Days a Week the Courts are Open
'Tis the season for more tennis, book a court now!
Day 8
8 League Teams
It's been another successful year for our teams which compete throughout the year. A great feature from the monthly newsletter is the inclusion of match reports which we will continue to update you with going into the new year. Our teams include three men's, two ladies' teams and a mixed team, who compete in the Ipswich League, and two mixed teams who compete in the Lowestoft League. Captains are always looking for new players to join the ranks, if we have too many then we can simply continue creating more teams so more the merrier!
Day 9
9 Group Coaching Sessions
Everyone's welcome, no membership or equipment required. Come along to our friendly and professionally-run sessions for a great way to improve or maintain your fitness, along with tweaking your on-court skills!
Day 10
10 Matches Emma Won on her way to Success
Emma stunned us all back in September with one of the biggest sporting fairytales in history, achieving a run of ten wins without even dropping a set! Surely this will only be the beginning of her journey; however, to date, she has already inspired and motivated many young girls to pick up a racket and join us in the wonderful game that is tennis.
Day 11
11 Summer Camps Joyfully Completed
2021 saw the return of our-ever popular summer camps with 11 sessions going on throughout the summer holidays with all being brilliantly attended. Big thanks to all the coaches for making each camp as enjoyable as possible for all.
Day 12
12 Editions of the Clubs Monthly Newsletter sent out
2021 has seen the club send out 12 editions of our monthly newsletter, massive thanks to Jo Davies for giving up her time and making this happen with her vast expertise.