Singles league 2025
Saxmundham Tennis Club is excited to launch a brand new Singles League competition for 2025 which will be run all year round, and is open to all members, with players split into leagues to allow for level play as much as possible.
The simple aim of this competition is to create plenty of matches for everyone to enjoy in a fairly quick format that shouldn't last more than an hour per match.
Entrants will be divided into leagues of roughly five players per division. Divisions are based on the coach's assessment, however this can be talked through to get players in the division they feel is right. Players will aim to play everyone in their division once each round.
Each ladder match will be first to nine games, with a standard tie-break at 8 all. You will receive 1 point for each game won, 2 further points if you win the match and 1 point for playing the match, i.e. the winner of the match would get 12 points.
Each round will last three months, therefore you have until the 31st March to play your allotted matched.
Promotion and relegation
At the end of each Ladder round;
The top two point scorers will be promoted from each group and bottom two will be relegated to the league below.
If points scores are the same, order will be decided by result between players involved.
Please note, promotion and relegation may also be dependent on those incoming and outgoing in the upcoming round.
Other rules
Only way to gain points is to play matches, no one is allowed to claim points for walkovers.
Once a match has commenced, if a player withdraws with injury then the other player can claim the game or if can be arranged for another time if both players agree to that.
Score entry
All matches must be reported on the WhatsApp chat, and updated table will be published every three weeks.
Ladder Champion 2025
Two trophies are up for grabs:
Champion - A trophy will be awarded for the player who has amassed the most points over the course of the calendar year.
Champion of Champions - A trophy for the player who wins division 1 the most throughout the year (there can be more than one winner of this).
To enter
Please message Matt (07561454563) or Gerard the tournament director (07803 942865) or email club@saxtennis.co.uk. ​
No entry fee required, this is a fun tournament for club members to jump on court and enjoy!