Box League Finals Day 24th September 2023
On a lovely September morning saw the climax of this years Box League which had seen 56 entrants do battle across five different categories. First ball hit in anger was way back in April, with finalists qualifying from group matches and semi finals throughout the Spring and Summer to get to yesterdays Final.
Although sunny, the gale force winds certainly made certainly made for some incredibly difficult conditions and led to sure some interesting tennis. First up was the mixed which ran along the clubs social tennis with all staying to watch the next round of finals whilst nibbling on the fantastic variety of food supporters and players had brought along.
All in all a brilliant day for Saxmundham Tennis Club with plenty of close well fraught tennis throughout the day whilst all being played in good spirit and in a friendly manner. Remember the Box League was created to get people playing tennis and is just a good excuse to play others in a somewhat competitive but mostly friendly environment where everyone's a winner in my eyes for purely jumping on court and having a game. Keep an eye out next spring and lets see if we can make the 2024 edition even more special for the club.
Our 2023 Box League Champions
Ladies Doubles - Frances Paul and Barbara Barker

Men's Singles - Chris Hirst

Senior Singles - Dale Threadkell

Mixed Doubles - Nicole Hobson and Martin Lovick

Plate Winners
Ladies Doubles - Jo Davies and Nicole Hobson
Mixed Doubles - Keith Lilley and Alison Redgrave
Senior Singles - Steve Hood