Despite rain stopping play, an hour-long round car trip, and getting soaked in the process, our Ladies 2nd team players were still smiling after their away game visit to Felixstowe on Monday 7th November 2022.
The match was the second instalment of the Ladies' 2nd team's Ipswich and District Winter Floodlit League, Division 3, in which two pairs of two battle it out, playing a match of two sets each.
This match featured Jill, Jennie, Sharon and Fran (pictured) all club regulars, all good, fun, and skilful players, and all-round good egg advocates for our Ladies 2nd team.
Venturing out on a wet Monday night in November? That's commitment for you.
Ably organised by team captain Nicole Hobson, the power pairs rocked up to Felixstowe to get the match underway - see scoresheet - certainly a battle was underway.

Alas, the wintry weather defeated their objectives, with Fran reporting back that there was "a very soggy and windy end to an abandoned game tonight at Felixstowe..."
But as you can see from the team pic above, the team was still smiling to the end, even when soaked and windblown.
Fran added: "Thank you Jennie for the fab biscuits that kept us going in the windy weather."