At Saxmundham Tennis Club's recent Annual General Meeting our membership categories were changed slightly.
They are now as follows when the new membership year begins on 1st April 2022:
Adults: Persons over the age of 18 - £80 (ALL Adults are the same as there is no longer a senior category).
Juniors : Persons aged 4-18 years - £10.00
Students :Persons over 18 and still in full time education £20.00
Concessions: New category; available to those who have concerns about meeting the annual cost. By application to membership secretary in confidence.
Family: 2 Adults plus any children under 18 or in full time education living as a family unit - unchanged £130 (please note: NOT for 2 Adults only)
Visiting Adult: For those whose main residence is not local - unchanged at £55
Visiting Family: For those whose main residence is not local - unchanged at £75
Members will soon receive a reminder by to renew their membership. When this comes please follow the links to renew through ClubSpark.