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Roundup of three recent games in the Lowestoft league

A quick explainer: The games reported below are played in the Lowestoft league, as opposed to most of the other reports that are from matches played in the Ipswich league.

Our club has two teams in this league. Roger Kett is captain of the A team (that plays in Division 2) and Roger Challis is captain of the B team (that plays in Division 3).

The Lowestoft league is set up differently to the Ipswich league, in that matches consist of playing two sets of mixed doubles tennis, and then two sets of ladies or mens' tennis - so a total of eight sets.

The scoring is based on sets won, for which you get one point. So it's always worth contesting every set!

On 28 May our team played away to the Lowestoft D team

STILL NO FLOODLIGHTS AT LOWESTOFT! Having gained promotion to Division 2 in our last campaign, we knew that matches would be much tougher than before.

However, the lack of floodlights cost us in the last sets when light was fading fast.

We ended up losing narrowly 3 sets to 5.

In this league every set counts as a point so not such a bad result. Well done to our players, Jackie, Jackie, Harry and Roger K.

On 1 June we played away to the Beccles B team

No problem with lights this week ! Beccles' B team put out a strong team. All our sets were hard fought, but played in a good spirits. We were fortunate enough to win 6 sets to 2.

A good result against this team. Well done to players Jackie, Jackie, Harry and Roger K.

And more recently on 7 June we played a home game against the Lowestoft C team

Having played their D team on the 28 May, we thought their C team would be even stronger. This was not the case, and we managed to beat them 5 sets to


Many thanks to Stuart and Cornelia for helping us out as Harry and Jackie were not available. Well done to our players, Jackie, Cornelia, Stuart and Roger K.

Once again some good tennis played on a lovely sunny evening. Has summer finally arrived?!

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